Friday, February 26, 2016

The Razr lives!

The Razr flip phone is the best! At one time had had three brand new ones in a drawer that I bought off eBay for $25 each. When one went down I just switched the simm card and BAM, new phone. It had been so long since I upgraded that AT&T offered me an iPhone for only $50.

I drank the Kool-aid.

I need a simple unlocked phone to use in the islands however so I dug out the last Razr I took with me to Belize when I last volunteered there a couple years ago. $4 on Amazon for a new charger and I'm good to go.

The Razr reminds me of a simpler time when people actually talked to one another. Welcome back Razr!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I think I'm buying a boat

Well... My offer was accepted. There still needs to be a sea trail and survey done, but it looks good.

I'll be heading to the Caribbean on a 1989 O'Day 322.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

I love it when a plan comes together

Wow! It's been a busy week.

1. I have rented my home to a wonderful couple. They've signed a lease and given me a deposit.
2. I sold my motorcycle.
3. I made an offer on a sailboat.
4. I now have all the money I've budgeted for the next year already in my savings account.

The plan is really taking shape. Should I be frightened??